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An Angel of the Lord was the one who mentioned to me the above 👆 statement I used as the topic of this article. But before I had this divine encounter, I found out that my spirit was under a strong attack from the dark kingdom and it looked like my spirit was going to break apart (you need to know that it is when the enemy has succeeded over your spirit that you will develop a serious illness in your body and probably die) but I began to praise God through a favorite song, then suddenly, Strength began to grow up in my spirit and the load of darkness upon me began to fade away.

Now, I began to set my eyes upon the throne of God in heaven while in the Spirit of Praise but I wasn’t getting what I wanted, then I set my eyes and mind upon the Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, immediately, I saw victory rising up in my spirit and I was deep in tears, and all of my spirit, soul and body was saturated with the Holy Ghost, and it was as if everything in the world has surrendered to Jesus.

Then the Angel of the Lord began to tell me things (some of which is personal to me), the Angel said “Nobody is greater than the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross of Calvary and no one will ever be”, He said “This was the first time God would come down so low because He loved humanity and wants to save them”, He said Do I know why God took His eyes off Jesus when He was going to die on the Cross?, he said many people thought it was because Jesus was carrying the sins of the whole world but he said it’s more deeper than that…He said God took His eyes off Jesus because “God did what He would never do”, He said that was the first time in history that God would come down so low to have His Son crucified by the hands of sinful men. Therefore, this sacrifice is the greatest sacrifice of all and the powers of darkness can never withstand the Power therein, even the whole of heaven bows every time the sacrifice is glorified.

Now, the Lord said the PURPOSE for this sacrifice must be fulfilled because it was the greatest price God would ever pay, it doesn’t matter what the kingdom of darkness is doing right now to oppress, weaken, control and destroy humanity, they cannot defeat the Power of what Jesus did on the Cross! May God give you a revelation of His Cross.

NO POWER, NO DEMON, NO PRINCIPALITIES, NO KINGDOM, NO THRONE, NO SICKNESS, NO DISEASE, NO DARKNESS, NO MANIPULATION, NO WITCHCRAFT AND NO SCHEME OF MEN CAN EVER BE GREATER THAN THE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS!! It is true when Bible says “they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb”, the blood of Jesus is the consummation of all that happened on the Cross – Let us employ this weapon!!! Amen.

©️ A. A. Emmanuel

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