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The Lord revealed to me that the powers and princes of darkness attacking Christians are “not attacking us as humans”. They are not humans and they will not attack you with a consideration that you are human but as though they are attacking their fellow spiritual beings, So, these powers are not going to show you mercy, they are ready to kill and to destroy and cause irreversible damages in people’s lives and destinies. They don’t have human feelings or emotions 

Therefore, your approach to spiritual warfare MUST change, don’t think you are dealing with some flesh-and-blood enemies, you are dealing with some terrible forces of darkness that are too powerful than human beings (even if they are using a witchdoctor to attack you, they are also destroying the life of the witch doctor as much as they are using him). Your real enemies are not beings that go to sleep in the night hours, they are always awake and busy all through 24 hours of each day. So, the Lord wants us to stop being humans, stop reasoning like humans, and stop acting like humans in fighting against the Kingdoms of Darkness

How did I discovered this?, You know, I am a prayer warrior that God took time to train, and I found out that every step I take is being closely monitored and followed by the Kingdom of darkness, I am very sensitive to the operations of darkness in the earth so I know how much they have filled the earth and everything in the earth. When I say “Attacks”, you need to really understand what it entails—In the Kingdom of darkness, their greatest battle cry is not to actually give you a disease or poverty or cause an accident or kill you untimely, their battle cry is first to DESTROY your relationship with God, to take you out of God’s presence, to make you carnal and worldly. They know that once you are out of the realm of the Spirit, their other evil plans will be able to take place. Their first target is to cause your spiritual death.

Therefore, you MUST be ready for war in each second of your life (not even minutes but seconds), this is not the time to be hot today and cold tomorrow, this is not the time to keep switching between the realm of the flesh and the realm of the Spirit, this is the time to continue to be HOT till the day you leave the world. I know what I am talking about! I have seen how many Christians have been killed in the realm of darkness 6 months before they eventually died physically, when you are in spiritual death, it becomes too easy for the devil to kill you untimely.

You see, I’m talking about you coming out of self righteousness like “After all, I’m not committing any outward sins, so, devil can do me nothing”, I tell you the truth, in this time that we are right now, if you are carnally minded for just one hour, that one hour is enough for the devil to destroy thousands of good things in your life. Right now, you not spending enough time to pray and study the Word of God in each day is a SIN!

I am not undermining the Grace and Victory that is available to us in Christ Jesus, but I’m telling you that we all have a great part to play for us to see the Grace of God work for us as it should. God will not change His standards because our generation has been flooded with great darkness or because “we are humans”…There are many things God will not do in your life until you create the environment for Him to do it (beginning from your mind). Stop accepting that you are weak, you are human…you are more than a human in Christ Jesus, you are a Spirit, you are supernatural. Stop sleeping too much, stop eating too much, stop talking too much, stop worrying!! Rise up and fight!!

I’m going to stop here. May the Lord give you understanding. Amen

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