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You know, recently there had been some prophetic movements that have decided to MONETIZE miracles and they make people believe the impression that you have to give some money or sow something as a seed to get God intervene in your situation or answer your prayers—This is wrong. It is wrong because that’s not what the Bible teaches and that’s not how the Kingdom of God operates.

The above is happening and prevailing in the churches because there’s a confusion somewhere and I’m going to teach you briefly to evaporate that confusion

There are two things involved in the above issue. 1) We must understand the place of individual PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD as the foundation that determines the actions of every believer in the Church of God, and this includes how each believer serves God, obey God and give to God. Also, everything we receive from God or everything heaven does for us is based on our personal walk with God which also fuels our level of faith in God. Therefore, God doesn’t look at what you have in your hands to give before He attends to your case and help you, what God looks at is how quality your relationship with Him is or I should say “how much you love Him (sacrificial love)”

When King Saul disobeyed God by setting aside the fattest animals when he was meant to destroy every living thing in the land of Amalekite, he made an excuse by saying “we were going to sacrifice these animals to the Lord” and Samuel said God is not interested in burnt offerings and sacrifices, he said “To obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken to God’s voice is better than the fat of rams”, this shows that God prefers the obedience of your heart than your one billion dollar donation, God values the spiritual state of your soul than what your hands have to offer. And this is why Apostle Paul teaches that anything we give must be done willingly and cheerfully, no one in the church should be coerced, forced, compelled, deceived or manipulated to give—If this happens, it is the same as witchcraft

1 Samuel 15: 22. And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.

But does this mean you should be so stingy and selfish and be so unmerciful to the poor and needy? No. In fact, in fact, according to the Scriptures, it is when you love God so much that you will do a lot of giving to help your fellow brethren and the poor in your environment. If you say you are a son of God and you are not a generous giver, then you are a liar, because our God Himself is a generous, merciful and sacrificial giver to the point that He gave His only begotten Son, and Jesus Christ also gave Himself to the world as a sacrifice

1 John 3: 16. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17. But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 18. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

You boast so much of how God speaks to you and how God is using you but you can’t lay down your life for the brethren, you can’t help your fellow believer and minister, then we need to start questioning the kind of God you are serving! Because, if you indeed love God, you will have REAL LOVE for God’s people

Therefore, having a good relationship with God will make us the best givers the world has ever known because we shall consider not our own lives or level of wealth before giving to help others, also, having a good relationship with God will make us give to the right people and places, and for the right cause because we shall be properly led by the Holy Spirit to do the giving

Now, let’s consider point number (2)


Now, I believe some of the reasons why certain believers and men of God were deceived to think that we can’t get help from God without giving money is because there have been (and will be) testimonies of people who gave to God and that giving opened great doors for them and brought great blessings upon them, but this is just a constant law in God’s kingdom, heaven will never owe you, if you give the proper way, you will always have the benefits

So, the Holy Spirit can sometimes lead you to make use of this Kingdom principle or law in order to move God to do certain things for you, therefore, if the Holy Spirit is telling you to do certain giving, it’s because you should have done or been doing that particular giving. It’s not that God cannot do what He wants to do for you without you giving, it is God showing you that you have fallen short in doing your proper duty as a Christian, I mean God is telling you to do that in order to set you on the path of righteousness, not that it is the giving that must bring the blessing

Having known this, I think giving to the right cause of God’s Kingdom is really to help us and not to help God, you shouldn’t wait until you are being told to give before you do it, you should see every right giving as another opportunity to be blessed, in fact, you should be excited to give. And if God tells you to do a particular giving, you should thank God for that, yes, because God has already given us too much than what money can buy and He will give us more because we obeyed His commandments of giving

In conclusion, don’t get excited because your pastor or your church is not troubling you to give but get excited about giving. Let us be like our Lord Jesus Christ, He taught a lot about absolute giving (i.e giving all that you have to trust for Heaven’s riches), He also taught about giving out all our lives (or laying down all your life). So, what else can’t I give if I have already given Jesus all I have and all I am.

If we remain in this truth, no devil or false prophet can steal from you! God bless you all. Amen.

©️ A. A. Emmanuel

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